Unit Step Signal


         This section explains the unit step signal and also derives the unit step signal in the following way.

The unit step signal:

A well known discontinuous function is the unit step function u0* (t) which is defined as

It is also represented by the waveform of Figure given below

In the waveform of Figure above, the unit step function u0(t)  changes abruptly from 0 to 1 at t = 0. But if it changes at  t = t0instead, it is denoted as u0(t-t0) .

In this case, its waveform and definition are as shown in Figure given below

If the unit step function u0(t)  changes abruptly from 0 to 1 at  t = -t0, it is denoted as u0(t  t0) .

In this case, its waveform and definition are as shown in Figure given below.
